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Lubbock Happenings


The Family of Joseph movement is alive and well at Covenant Health in Texas! Our founding group continues to flourish and meets in the evenings at the Sister's Cottage. We have moved from Monday evening to Thursday evening as a result of changes to the Covenant Health Board of Directors schedule. We love having our Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange who serve on the board, present with us.


We have prayerfully considered ways in which we can grow caregiver participation and decided on a quarterly series of breakfast programs. Alumni of Mission & Mentoring are invited and they may bring a friend. Our first program held on March 26th was co-facilitated by Cayce Kaufman and Lee Turner on corporal and spiritual works of mercy. A second program is scheduled for June 27th on resiliency. As a result of an invitation to form additional Family of Joseph small groups, we are fostering one in Plainview, one with the Grace Medical Group and one with the Covenant Medical Center surgical team. It is fun to witness the enthusiasm! We will be determining concrete ways in which we can serve the "dear neighbor" without distinction in the near future.  

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